CSE 428: Solutions of exercises on Concurrency and Java

The superscript "(d)" stands for "difficult". Exercises similar to those marked with "(d)" might appear in candidacy exams, but not in the standard exams of CSE 428.

  1. Consider the example of the producers and consumers in the LN of Lecture 16. It is possible to see that the system is deadlock-free, in fact For each of the following modifications, say whether we lose the property of deadlock-freedom or not. Justify your answers.
    1. One producer instead of three, and still two consumers.
    2. Use notify() instead of notifyAll() in the get()method. Note: the method notify() removes an arbitrary thread from the wait set of the object.
    3. One producer, two consumers, and use notify() instead of notifyAll() in the put() method.
    4. Invert the order of the statements is_empty = false and notifyAll() in the put() method.


    1. The system is still deadlock-free. The justification given above is still valid.
    2. The system is not deadlock-free anymore. When a consumer executes the get(), the invocation of notify() might remove from the wait set another consumer instead of a producer. If all the producers are all in the wait set, no thread will be able to proceed.
    3. In this case the use of notify() is not harmful, because the producer, when it executes the put(), can only remove a consumer from the wait set, since there are no other producers around.
    4. Inverting the order of the statements in the put() method is not harmful, because the method is synchronized. No thread will be able to perform a new test on is_empty until the put() terminates.

  2. Define a class Stack (LIFO buffer) in Java, as an implementation of the following interface:
       interface Stack_interface(){
          void push(int);
          int pop();
          boolean is_empty();
    Hint: you can follow the scheme of the definition of a Queue (FIFO buffer) given in the program Eratosthenes of Lecture 17. Note that there was no method is_empty because, for that particular application, it was not required.


    class Stack implements Stack_interface {
        private class Element {
            int info;
            Element next;
            Element(int n, Element e) { info = n; next = e; }
        private Element first;
        public Stack() { first = null; }
        public synchronized void push(int n){
           first = new Element(n,first); 
           if (first.next == null) then notifyAll(); //if the stack was empty then notify all waiting consumers
        public synchronized int pop(){
            try { 
                while (first == null) wait(); 
            } catch (InterruptedException e) { 
                return 1; 
            int n = first.info;
            first = first.next;
            return n;
        public synchronized boolean is_empty(){
            return first == null;

  3. Consider the program Eratosthenes of Lecture 17. Would the program still be correct if the FIFO buffers were replaced by LIFO buffers? Motivate your answer.


    The program would not be correct. Consider for instance the configuration in which we have one filter only, for the prime 2. Suppose that this filter sends to its output buffer the data 3, 5, 7 and 9 before the sieve process is able to make any operation on this buffer. Then suppose that sieve starts picking data from it. Since the buffer is LIFO, sieve will read the number 9 first, and it will treat it as a prime (print it, and create a new filter for it), which is incorrect.

  4. Consider the solution to the problem of the dining philosophers (Assignment 6).
    1. Is the system deadlock-free?
    2. Is it possible that a philosopher never eats?
    3. Is it possible that a chopstick is never taken?
    4. What happens if notify() in Chopstick.release() is replaced by notifyAll()?
    5. What happens if notify() in Ticket_box.release_ticket() is replaced by notifyAll()?
    6. What happens if the while in Ticket_box.take_ticket() is replaced by if?
    7. What happens if we declare the method Philosopher.try_to_eat() as synchronized? With this modification, could we avoid declaring synchronized the methods of Ticket_box and of Chopstick?
    Motivate your answers.


    1. The system is deadlock-free, because there must be at least a philopher that is able to get both chopsticks, since there are n philosophers, n chopsticks, and only n-1 tickets, and only the philosophers with a ticket are allowed to try to get a chopstick.
    2. It is possible that a philosopher never eats (though quite unlikely). This can happen if he is never able to get a ticket, or if his neighbours are always faster than him in getting the chopsticks he has access to.
    3. It is possible that a chopstick is never taken (though extremely unlikely). This can happen in the case in which its left philosopher never succeed to get the other chopstick (because his left neighbour is faster than him) and its right philosopher never succeed to get the ticket.
    4. This modification does not change anything: there can be at most one thread waiting for the same chopstick, hence notify() and notifyAll() are equivalent in this case.
    5. Again, the modification does not change anything: there can be at most one thread waiting for a ticket.
    6. The program would be incorrect. In fact, it might be the case that a philosopher is in the wait set of the ticket box, then it gets notified that a ticket has been released, but, by the time he is scheduled and he gets the lock again, the ticket has been taken already. Thus it is incorrect to let him execute the instruction number_of_tickets-- without doing the test again on the availability of a ticket.
    7. It does not make any sense to declare Philosopher.try_to_eat() as synchronized. There is only one thread that executes the methods of an object of the class Philosopher: the object (philosopher) himself. Hence there is no risk of interference, and no need of synchronization. In particular, making this modification does not spare the necessity of declaring as synchronized the methods of Ticket_box and of Chopstick. It is easy to show that the philosophers can interfere with each other when operating on the common resources (tickets and chopsticks), and therefore we need to code these operations inside critical sections. For example, consider the portion of code
         if (left_chopstick.is_free() && right_chopstick.is_free()) {
      in Philospopher.try_to_eat(). Suppose that two neighbour philosophers are executing the test at the same time (this is possible even if the method try_to_eat() is synchronized, because the lock is per object, not per method (since it is not static)). Suppose that both the philosophers pass the test: if Chopstick.take() were not synchronized, they could end up in taking both the same chopstick.

  5. Consider again the solution to the problem of the dining philosophers. For each of the following modifications, say whether we can have deadlock or not. Justify your answers.
    1. Change the method try_to_eat() so that, after the philosopher has eaten, he releases the ticket first, and then the chopsticks.
    2. There are n tickets
    3. There are n tickets and n+1 chopsticks (i.e. there are two neighbours philosophers such that in between them there are two chospticks instead than one, so that each of them has his own chopstick)
    Motivate your answers.


    1. The system is still deadlock-free. There might be a moment in which each philosopher is holding exactly one chopstick, but at least one of them (the last philosopher who has released a ticket) is in the phase in which he has already eaten, and he is going to release the chopstick next.
    2. In this situation we can have deadlock. Obviously, allowing n tickets in the box makes invalidates the tickets-based solution to deadlock: all philosophers can hold a ticket at the same time, and enter the competition for the chopstick. Then it's possible that each philosopher gets hold of exactly one chopstick.
    3. In this case we cannot have a deadlock. Having one more chopsticks ensures that at least one philosopher can get hold of two chopsticks, and proceed. Note that the presence of the tickets is not relevant for this question.

  6. Consider the second solution to the definition of a buffer with two positions given in Exercise 3.2 of (CSE 428, Spring 99) MT 2.
    1. Suppose that we replace the statement
         synchronized (from) { int k = from.get();  to.put(k); }
      in Demon.run() with the statement
         { int k = from.get();  to.put(k); }
      (i.e. we eliminate the synchronization on from). Does Buffer2 still represent a buffer with two positions?
    2. Remember that the methods Buffer1.put() and Buffer1.get() are synchronized. Suppose that, instead, we make synchronized the methods Buffer2.put() and Buffer2.get(). Would the solution still be interference-free?
    3. Suppose now that all the methods Buffer1.put(), Buffer1.get(), Buffer2.put() and Buffer2.get() are synchronized. Would the solution still be deadlock-free?
    4. (d) Suppose that we replace the statement
         synchronized (from) { int k = from.get(); to.put(k); }
      in Demon.run() with the statement
         if (!to.is_full()) synchronized (from) { int k = from.get(); to.put(k); }
      What are the consequences?


    1. Buffer2 would become a buffer with three positions. In fact, after the demon has removed the datum from the first Buffer1, and before it puts the datum in the second Buffer1, a producer would be already allowed to put another datum in the first Buffer1. In other words, we could have the situation that Buffer2 is holding three data: one in the first Buffer1, one in the second Buffer1, and one in the temporary variable k of the demon.
    2. The solution would not be interference-free. In fact, the demon would interfere with the producers on the first Buffer1 (the demon requires the lock on from, but a producer would not), and it would interfere with the consumers on the second Buffer1.
    3. The solution would not be deadlock-free. In fact, we could have the following situation: the second Buffer1 full, the demon in the wait set of the second Buffer1 and holding the lock of the first Buffer1 (because it's trying to transfer a previous datum from the first Buffer1 to the second Buffer1), and a producer getting the lock of the Buffer2 and then waiting for the lock of the first Buffer1 to be released. Since no consumer will then be allowed to execute Buffer2.get(), the situation is stuck.
      Another simpler case of deadlock is when a consumer starts first: it goes in the wait set of the second Buffer1, while holding the lock on Buffer2, so that no producer can proceed.
    4. By performing the test !to.is_full() we could avoid locking the first Buffer1 when the second Buffer1 is full, and in this way a producer could test the state of the first Buffer1 and, in case it is full, do something else (if it wishes). However, there is a particularly unlucky case in which a livelock could occur: this is when the consumers keep being scheduled exactly when the demon is performing the test !to.is_full(). Since this test requires the lock on the second Buffer1, a consumer will never be allowed to consume (thus the consumers are stuck, and the only process which keeps executing is the demon). Note that the livelock could be avoided by assuming some form of fairness (or randomized scheduling) in the implementation.
      Note: this kind of livelock, for this program, has been observed on the Java implementation on Unix.