Spring 99, CSE 428: Assignment 8

Distributed: April 9.
Due: April 15 in class.
Total maximum score: 100 points.

The purpose of this assignment is to provide experience with Higher Order programming and Types.

Please give an hard copy of the source code (i.e. a file containing the definitions of the four functions below, plus the auxiliary functions, if any) to the instructor by the due date. Furthermore, you should also email your source code to cg428@cse.psu.edu by the due date, so to allow us to check that your program runs correctly. Please send the code as an attachment (not by "cut-and-paste"), and use the 4 digits of your student id, followed by ".sml", as the filename (example: if your id is 1001, then the file should have name 1001.sml).

Please make sure that your source code can be compiled and executed under Standard ML on Unix. For a brief explanation on how to run SML and how to load and execute programs, see http://www.cse.psu.edu/~catuscia/teaching/sml/sml.html

  1. [Points 10] Define the function curry : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c such that, given a function f : 'a * 'b -> 'c, curry f gives the curried version of f, i.e. a function such that, for every x:'a and y:'b, (curry f) x y = f(x,y).

  2. [Points 20] Define a function filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list such that, given a property (i.e. a predicate) p : 'a -> bool, and a list L : 'a list, filter p L returns the list of all elements of L which satisfy the property p.

    The following examples illustrate how filter should work:

    - fun positive x = x>0;
    val positive = fn : int -> bool
    - filter positive [];
    val it = [] : int list
    - filter positive [1];
    val it = [1] : int list
    - filter positive [1,~2,3,~4];
    val it = [1,3] : int list
    - fun first_is_a (x,y) = if x="a" then true else false;
    val first_is_a = fn : string * 'a -> bool
    - filter first_is_a [("a",1),("b",2),("a",3)] (* filters the pairs whose first element is an "a" *);
    val it = [("a",1),("a",3)] : (string * int) list
    -  filter (fn l=> not(l=[])) [[1],[],[1,2],[]] (* filters the lists which are not empty *);
    val it = [[1],[1,2]] : int list list

  3. [Points 40] Consider the function reduce : (int * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> int list -> 'a defined as
       fun reduce f v [] = v
         | reduce f v ((x:int)::l) = f(x, reduce f v l);
    The function reduce works in the following way: given a function f : int * 'a -> 'a, an initial value v:'a, and a list of integers, the result is v if the list is empty, and otherwise the result is obtained by applying f to the first element and to the result obtained (by calling the function recursively) on the rest of the list (see also page 356 in Sethi).

    reduce represents a general algorithm on lists, which works by scanning the list (recursively) element by element, and performing a certain operation on every element (and on the result of the recursive call), and giving at the end a global result.

    For instance, we can define the functions sum_all : int list -> int and product_all : int list -> int (respectively sum and product of all the elements in a list of integers) as follows:

       val sum_all = reduce sum 0;
       val product_all = reduce times 1;
    where we assume that plus and times have been previously defined as the binary operations of sum and product on integers. (Alternatively, we can use (op +) and (op * ) ).

    Note that these are definitions of functions. We can apply them to lists of integers, as illustrated in the following examples:

       - sum_all [];         
       val it = 0 : int
       - sum_all [0];
       val it = 0 : int
       - sum_all [0,1,2];
       val it = 3 : int
       - sum_all [1,2,3,4];
       val it = 10 : int
       - product_all [];  
       val it = 1 : int
       - product_all [0];
       val it = 0 : int
       - product_all [0,1,2];
       val it = 0 : int
       - product_all [1,2,3,4];
       val it = 24 : int
    1. Define the function length : int list -> int (length of a list) in terms of reduce, with a definition of the form:
         val length = reduce ... ; 
      (fill in the dots). You can use an auxiliary function if you want.

      The following examples illustrate how length should work:

      - length [];
      val it = 0 : int
      - length [0]; 
      val it = 1 : int
      - length [0,3,2,5];
      val it = 4 : int
    2. Define the function maximum_positive : int list -> int. This function should return the maximum positive element of a list of integers, and 0 if all the elements are negative (or if the list is empty). The definition should be given in terms of reduce, as follows:
         val maximum_positive = reduce ... ; 
      (fill in the dots). You can use an auxiliary function if you want.

      The following examples illustrate how maximum_positive should work:

      - maximum_positive [];
      val it = 0 : int
      - maximum_positive [~1];  
      val it = 0 : int
      - maximum_positive [2,4,~5,3];
      val it = 4 : int
    3. Define the function reverse : int list -> int list (reverse of a list of integers) in terms of reduce, as follows:
         val reverse = reduce ... ; 
      (fill in the dots). You can use an auxiliary function if you want.

      The following examples illustrate how reverse should work:

      - reverse [];
      val it = [] : int list
      - reverse [1,2];
      val it = [2,1] : int list
      - reverse [1,3,2];
      val it = [2,3,1] : int list
    4. Define the function occurs : int -> int list -> bool (which checks whether a given integer occurs in a list of integers) in terms of reduce, as follows:
         fun occurs x = reduce ... ; 
      (fill in the dots). You can use an auxiliary function if you want.

      The following examples illustrate how occurs should work:

      - occurs 1 [];
      val it = false : bool
      - occurs 1 [0];
      val it = false : bool
      - occurs 1 [1,2];
      val it = true : bool
      - occurs 1 [2,1,3];
      val it = true : bool

  4. [Points 30] Define in ML three functions f, g and h having the following types:
       f : 'a -> 'b -> 'a * 'b
       g : ('a * 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
       h : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
    Any solution wich gives the requested types is fine; it is not required to define "meaningful" functions.