Spring 2002, CSE 428: A pretest

Question 1 (Grammars)

Consider the following grammar, defining a small language of expressions:
   Exp ::= Num | Exp ^ Num | Exp * Exp | (Exp) 
   Num ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
where Exp and Num are non-terminals and all the other symbols are terminal.
  1. For each of the following strings, say whether it is derivable from the grammar or not
    1. (4 ^ (2 * 3))
    2. 4 ^ 2 * 3
    3. 4 ^ (2)
    4. 16
  2. Show all the kinds of ambiguity in this grammar. For each kind of ambiguity, show two different derivation trees for the same string.
  3. Give an equivalent unambiguous grammar for the same language, defined in such a way that * is left associative and ^ has precedence over *.

Question 2 (Parameter passing methods)

Consider the following procedure declaration in a C++like language:
   void p(int <parameter-passing method> x){
      int temp;
      temp = y;
      y = y + 1;
      x = temp + x + 2;
where y is a global variable of type integer. Say what is the final value of y after the following fragment of code:
      y = 0;
under each of the following assumptions:
  1. Call by value
  2. Call by reference
  3. Call by value-result

Question 3 (Memory management)

Consider the following procedure declaration in a C++like language:
class list { //Implementation of a list (only the methods relevant for this exercise)

   int info;
   list* next;

   list()  //Constructor method. It creates a dummy fist element (field info = 0)
      info = 0;
      next = NULL;

   list(int x, list* L)  //Constructor method. It creates a list with info = x and rest L
      info = x;
      next = L;

   void insert(int x) // Inserts x at the beginning of the list
       next = new list(x,next);


void add_to_list(int k, list* L) // Adds k elements to the list

   if (k<0)
      cout << "Error: k should not be negative! \n";
   else if (k==0)
      cout << "value 0 reached \n";
   else {

int main()
   list* L = new list();
   add_to_list(3,L); //add 3 elements to L
   // ...

Illustrate with a drawing the situation in memory (stack and heap) at the moment in which the instruction cout << "value 0 reached \n"; is executed. Please make explicit all the informations stored in the activation records and in the (allocated part of the) heap at that moment. Use arrows for pointers. Remember that in C++ there is no static link (there is no need for it since nested procedure declarations are not allowed). For simplicity, you can represent in the stack only the activation records of main() and of add_to_list(int). You can also omit the control link and the temporaries.

Question 4 (Concurrency in Java)

Define in Java a thread Merge which takes (pops) items from two input queues and inserts them into a output queue. The Merge should be angelic, in the sense that, if one of the queues is empty, the process should not get stuck trying to pop data from it. Rather, as long as one queue is empty, the merge should proceed processing the data from the other queue only. Furthermore the Merge should be fair, in the sense that, when both queues are non-empty, the data from them should be popped in an alternated fashion. Define also the class of the queues used by Merge.

Question 5 (ML - Higher order)

Consider the ML function reduce: ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b defined as
   fun reduce f v [] = v
     | reduce f v (x::l) = f(x, reduce f v l);
Using reduce, define in ML the functions
  1. exists 'a list -> ('a -> bool) -> bool such that exists l p holds if and only if in the list l there is at least an element which satisfy the property p.
  2. forall 'a list -> ('a -> bool) -> bool such that forall l p holds if and only if every element of the list l satisfies the property p.
The definitions should have the form
   fun exists l p = reduce ...;
   fun forall l p = reduce ...;

Question 6 (ML - Data types)

Consider the following datatype declaration for bynary trees:
   datatype 'a btree = leaf of 'a | node of ('a btree * 'a * 'a btree);
Define in ML a function enumerate : 'a btree -> int btree which, given a binary tree t : 'a btree, gives as result a tree which represents the enumeration of the nodes of t according to the traversal by levels (aka breadth-first traversal) of t.

For instance, if the tree t is

        / \
       /   \
      b     c
     / \   / \
    d   e j   k
   / \       / \
  f   g     l   m
     / \       / \
    h   i     n   o

then the result of enumerate(t) is

        / \
       /   \
      2     3
     / \   / \
    4   5 6   7
   / \       / \
  8   9     10 11
     / \       / \
    12 13     14 15

Question 7 (ML - Data types)

Given the datatype declaration of Question 6, define a function numnodes: : 'a btree * int -> int which, given a binary tree t : 'a btree and a positive number n, returns the number of the nodes on the n-th level of t.

For instance, if t is the tree in Question 6, we should have

   - numnodes(t,1);
   val it = 1 : int

    - numnodes(t,2);
   val it = 2 : int

   - numnodes(t,3);
   val it = 4 : int

Question 8 (Prolog)

Define in Prolog a predicate solutions(M,N,X,Y) which, given two natural number N and M, it returns all possible pairs of natural numbers X and Y which solve the system of equations
   X + Y = M
   X * Y = N
For instance, we should have
   ?- solutions(2,0,X,Y).
   X = 0  Y = 2 ;
   X = 2  Y = 0 ;

   ?- solutions(5,4,X,Y).
   X = 1  Y = 4 ;
   X = 4  Y = 1 ;

   ?- solutions(5,6,X,Y).
   X = 2  Y = 3 ;
   X = 3  Y = 2 ;
Note: the above system of equations can be solved in an analytic way, by reducing it to a quadratic equation. However, you should try to solve the exercise in such a way that the solution can be generalized to any system of equations (like for instance X^3 + X^2 + Y^4 = M and X*Y^3 = N). The idea is to generate all possible candidate pairs of natural numbers X and Y and then check whether they satisfy the equations.

Question 9 (Prolog)

Define in Prolog a predicate flatten(L,K) which, given a list L, returns in K the list obtained by flattening L, namely the list of all the non-list elements of L.

For instance, we should have

   ?- flatten([a,[b],[[c,d]]],L).

   L = [a, b, c, d] ;

   ?- flatten([[1,2],[2,[3]],[],[[[4]]]],L).

   L = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4] ;

Question 10 (Prolog)

Define in Prolog a predicate merge(L1,L2,K) which, given two lists L1 and L2, returns in K a list which contains exactly the elements of L1 and L2 alternated in an arbitrary way, but in the same order as they appear in L1 and L2. For instance, we should have
   ?- merge([1,2], [3,4,5], K).

   K = [1,2,3,4,5];
   K = [1,3,2,4,5];
   K = [1,3,4,2,5];
   K = [1,3,4,5,2];
   K = [3,1,2,4,5];
   K = [3,1,4,2,5];
   K = [3,1,4,5,2];
   K = [3,4,1,2,5];
   K = [3,4,1,5,2];
   K = [3,4,5,1,2];