Spring 2001, CSE 428: Quiz 11.2 - 19 April 2001

Please write your Name and Student ID at the top of the page. By default, this quiz will be returned in Section 2 (morning section).
  1. [Pts 2]   Consider the following alternative programs to compute the reverse of a list:
       P1: rev([],[]).       
           rev([X|L],M) :- rev(L,K), append(K,[X],M).
              /* append is the builtin for lists concatenation */
       P2: rev(L,M) :- aux(L,M,[]).
           aux([X|L],M,Acc) :- aux(L,M,[X|Acc]).
    In what sense is the second program preferable to the fist? (only one answer, please)

  2. [Pts 2]   Consider the standard way of representing trees in logic programming, and the following definition of a predicate p:
       p(node(T1,X,T2),N) :- p(T1,N1), 
                             N is N1 + N2. 
    Consider now the query ?-p(t,N). where t is a term representing a certain tree. What is the result returned by it? (only one answer, please)

  3. [Pts 2]   Consider the Prolog query ?- X is 1+2, Y = X+3. What is the result returned by it? (only one answer, please)

  4. [Pts 2]   Consider the Prolog query ?- X = 3, not(X=2). What is the result returned by it? (only one answer, please)

  5. [Pts 2]   Assume given the following Prolog program:
       nat(N) :- nat(M), N is M+1.
    Consider now the query ?- nat(N). What is the result returned by this query? (only one answer, please)