Spring 2001, CSE 428: Solution of Final (4 May 2001)

Question 1

    1. 25 * 3   no
    2. 5 ^ 2 * 3   yes
    3. (5 ^ 2) * 3   no
    4. 5 * 2 * 3   yes

  1. There are two kinds of ambiguity:
    1. Associativity of ^
    2. Precedence between * and ^
    An example of the first is:
              Exp            Exp
              /|\            /|\
             / | \          / | \
           Exp ^ Exp      Exp ^ Exp
           /|\    |        |    /|\
          / | \   |        |   / | \
        Exp ^ Exp Num    Num Exp ^ Exp
         |     |  |        |  |     |
         |     |  |        |  |     |
        Num   Num 4        2 Num   Num
         |     |              |     |
         |     |              |     |
         2     3              3     4
    An example of the second is:
              Exp            Exp
              /|\            /|\
             / | \          / | \
           Exp ^ Exp      Num * Exp
           /|\    |        |    /|\
          / | \   |        |   / | \
        Num * Exp Num      2 Exp ^ Exp
         |     |  |           |     |
         |     |  |           |     |
         2    Num 4          Num   Num
               |              |     |
               |              |     |
               3              3     4
  2. An equivalent non-ambiguous grammar where ^ has precedence over * is the following:
       Exp ::= Exp * A | B
         A ::= C ^ A | Num 
         B ::= C ^ B | C
         C ::= Num | (Exp)
       Num ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
    An equivalent non-ambiguous grammar where * has precedence over ^ is the following:
       Exp ::= A ^ Exp | A
         A ::= Num * A | Num | (Exp)
       Num ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Question 2 (Memory management)

Question 3 (Concurrency in Java)

  class Account {

      private int balance;

      public Buffer(int initialDeposit) { balance = initialDeposit; }

      public synchronized int getBalance() {
         return balance;

      public synchronized void deposit(int amount) { 
         if (amount < 0)
            error(1) % the amount to deposit should be non negative
         else {
            balance = balance + amount;

      public synchronized void withdraw(int amount) { //we omit the treatment of interruptedExeption
         if (amount < 0)
            error(1) % the amount to withdrow should be non negative
         else {
            while (balance < amount) wait();
            balance = balance - amount;

   class AccountHolder extends Thread {
       Account a;
       public void run() {
               a.withdraw(y); // no need to test that the balance is greater than or equal to the amount to withdraw
Note that the wait() command is used in a method of Account, not in run(). It would make no sense to use wait() in run() (and it would also give a compilation error).

Question 4 (ML)

   fun max(x,y) = if x > y then x else y;

   fun heights(leaf x) = leaf 1
     | heights(node(t1,x,t2)) = let val (h1,u1) = heights t1
                                and val (h2,t2) = heights t2
                                 in node(u1, max(h1,h2)+1, u2)
Another alternative solution, perhaps more elegant, is the following:
   fun root (leaf x) = x
     | root (node(t1,x,t2)) = x;
   fun heights(leaf x) = leaf 1
     | heights(node(t1,x,t2)) = let val u1 = heights t1
                                and val u2 = heights t2
                                 in node(u1, max(root u1, root u2) + 1, u2)

Question 5 (Prolog)

   divisor_and_rest(M,N,X,Y) :- nat(X,N), nat(Y,N), N is M * X + Y.

   nat(M,M) :- M >= 0.
   nat(X,M) :- M > 0, N is M - 1, nat(X,N).

Question 6 (Prolog)

   conc([X|L],K) :- conc(L,M), append(X,M,K).