Spring 2001, CSE 428: Assignment 1

Distributed: Jan 18.
Due: Feb 1 in class.
Total maximum score: 100 points.

The purpose of this assignment is to provide experience with programming language syntax and context-free grammars.

  1. [Points 18] Consider the alphabet (set of terminal symbols) {a,b}
    1. Define a grammar which generates all strings on {a,b} of the form   wwr   where   wr   is the reverse of w. For instance, lambda, aa, bb, abba, baab, aaaa, abaaba, etc.

    2. Define a grammar which generates all strings of the form   anbn+kak   for n, k natural numbers. For instance, lambda, ab, ba, abba, aabb, aabbba, abbbaa, etc.

      Notation:   xm stands for the string obtained by repeating x m times.

    3. Define a grammar which generates all strings on {a,b} with length at least 5.

  2. [Points 18] Exercise 2.15 in Sethi's book.
  3. Note1: in this exercise, the terminals are the words in boldface, *, and the symbols between quotes (parentheses and brackets). The syntactic categories are in italics (Declaration, Type, and Declarator) .

    Note 2: In Sethi, "parse tree" means the same as "derivation tree".

    Note 3: In Question (c), the sentence "Suppose that the first production for Declarator is changed so to make * a postfix operator" means:"Suppose that the first production for Declarator is changed into the following production:

    Declarator ::= Declarator *

  4. [Points 32] Consider the following grammar for "boolean expressions":
       BExp ::= true | false | not BExp | BExp and BExp | BExp -> BExp
    1. Show that this grammar is ambiguous
    2. Define a non-ambiguous grammar for the same language by enforcing the following conventions:
      • "not" has highest priority. "and" has intermediate priority, and "->" has lowest priority.
      • "and" is left-associative, and "->" is right-associative.

  5. [Points 32] Give a non-ambiguous grammar for expressions containing natural numbers and the binary operators +, -, *, /, and ^, and such that:

    Examples of expressions in this language:

Note that among the symbols with equal priority, like + and -, and * and /, the precedence is determined by the associativity rule. Thus 50 * 2 / 4 is structured as (50 * 2) / 4, and 50 / 2 * 4 is structured as (50 / 2) * 4.

The natural numbers should be generated by a finite set of productions. A natural number should be either 0 or a positive number, represented as a non-empty sequence of digits starting with a positive digit.