Spring 2000, CSE 428: Solution of test 2

Question 1

  1.          Type                  Type 
             / | \                 / | \
            /  |  \               /  |  \
         Type  -> Type         Type  -> Type
         / | \     |             |      / | \
        /  |  \    |             |     /  |  \
     Type -> Type TVar         TVar  Type -> Type
       |       |                      |       |
       |       |                      |       |
     TVar    TVar                    TVar    TVar
             Type                  Type 
             / | \                 / | \
            /  |  \               /  |  \
         Type  * Type         Type  -> Type
         / | \     |             |      / | \
        /  |  \    |             |     /  |  \
     Type -> Type TVar         TVar  Type *  Type
       |       |                      |       |
       |       |                      |       |
     TVar    TVar                    TVar    TVar
             Type                  Type 
             / | \                 / | \
            /  |  \               /  |  \
         Type  * Type         Type   *  Type
         / | \     |             |      / | \
        /  |  \    |             |     /  |  \
     Type  * Type TVar         TVar  Type *  Type
       |       |                      |       |
       |       |                      |       |
     TVar    TVar                    TVar    TVar
  2.    Type    ::=  CarType -> Type  |  CarType
       CarType ::=  CarType * TVar   |  TVar

Question 3

  1. One DP to the stack, no ML
  2. No DP, no ML
  3. One DP to the heap, no ML
  4. No DP, no ML
  5. No DP, one ML
  6. No DP, no ML

Question 2

  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. False
  5. False
  6. False
  7. False
  8. True, if we want that all suspended threads are waken up when y is set to a value different from 0
  9. True
  10. False
  11. True
  12. True
  13. False

Question 4

  1.    datatype 'a tree = emp | nod of 'a * 'a tree list;
  2.    fun pre_trav emp = []
         | pre_trav (nod(x,L)) = x :: aux L
           aux [] = []
         | aux (T :: L) = pre_trav T @ aux L;

Question 5

  1.    fun altnfold f g 0 x = x
         | altnfold f g n x = f(g(altnfold f g (n-1) x));
    1. The result is 6. reduce (op +) 0 L computes the sum of the elements of L
    2. The result is 6. reduce (op *) 1 L computes the product of the elements of L
    3. The result is [1,2,3]. reduce (op @) [] L flattens the list Lcomputes the product of the elements of L
    4. The expression gives error. (op <) is of type int * int -> bool, while it should be a type compatible with alpha * beta -> beta
    5. The result is false. reduce (fn (x,y) => x=0 orelse y) false L tests whether the list L contains at least one 0.
    6. The result is [1,2,3]. reduce (fn (x,y) => if x>0 then x::y else y) [] L eliminates all the non-positive elements from the list L.

Question 6

  1. (alpha * alpha -> beta) -> alpha -> beta
  2. (alpha * beta -> gamma) -> alpha -> beta -> gamma
  3. (alpha -> beta -> gamma) -> alpha -> beta -> gamma
  4. (alpha -> beta) -> (gamma -> alpha) -> gamma -> beta
  5. Untypable: the result in the fist case is an int, while in the second case is a list.
  6. (int -> alpha) -> int -> alpha list

Question 7

  1.    in(X,nod(_,X,_)).
       in(X,nod(T,_,_)) :- in(X,T).
       in(X,nod(_,_,T)) :- in(X,T).
  2.    in_trav(emp,[]).
       in_trav(nod(T1,X,T2),L) :- in_trav(T1,L1), in_trav(T2,L2), append(L1, [X|L2], L).
  3.    sum_tree(emp,0).
       sum_tree(nod(T1,X,T2),N) :- sum_tree(T1,N1), sum_tree(T2,N2), N is N1 + N2 + X.
  4.    symmetric(emp,emp).
       symmetric(nod(T1,X,T2), nod(U2,X,U1)) :- symmetric(T1,U1), symmetric(T2,U2).