CSE 428: Lecture notes 4


Imperative languages often allow two kinds of conditional commands (or statements): the if-then and the if-then-else. Let us consider a possible grammar generating these commands:
Cmd ::= if Exp then Cmd | if Exp then Cmd else Cmd | ... (other cmds)
This grammar is ambiguous, in fact, the command
if x > 0 then if x = 1 then print(1) else print(2)
can be interpreted both as
if x > 0 then ( if x = 1 then print(1) else print(2) )
and as
if x > 0 then ( if x = 1 then print(1) ) else print(2)
This ambiguity is clearly relevant for the semantics: if the value of x is 2 for example, in the first case the machine should print 2, in the second case should do nothing.

This ambiguity originates whenever a command contains an unbalanced number of then and else (i.e. more then then else). In order to eliminate it, we must establish a rule which determines, for each else, its matching then. Usually the convention is the following:

Each else matches the last (from left-to-right) unmatched then
In order to impose this rule, one possibility is to modify the productions in the following way:
Cmd ::= Bal_Cmd | Unbal_Cmd
Bal_Cmd ::= if Exp then Bal_Cmd else Bal_Cmd | ... (other cmds)
Unbal_Cmd ::= if Exp then Cmd | if Exp then Bal_Cmd else Unbal_Cmd
In this new grammar, the sample command above can only be generated by a tree imposing the first kind of structure.

The role of parse trees in the implementation of programming languages

Parse-trees are are used as an internal representation of the source program by the interpreter or the compiler. In very schematic terms, we can represent the various phases of the implementation as follows

Interpreter case

           _________     ________            __________     _____________  
          |         |   |        |          |          |   |             |  
 source ->| scanner |-->| parser |- parse ->| static   |-->| interpreter |-> results  
          |_________|   |________|  tree    | analyzer |   |_____________|  
                                            |__________|          ^  

Compiler case

           _________     ________            __________     __________                _________  
          |         |   |        |          |          |   |          |              |         |  
 source ->| scanner |-->| parser |- parse ->| static   |-->| compiler |-> compiled ->| machine |-> results  
          |_________|   |________|  tree    | analyzer |   |__________|     code     |_________|  
                                            |__________|                                  ^  

Actually, real implementations are often a combination of compilation and interpretation: the code gets compiled into an intermediate language (something in between the source langauge and the machine language) and then interpreted.