CSE 428 : Solution of Assignment #3

Question 1

  1. With call by value the program prints 2
  2. With call by reference the program prints 4
  3. With call by value-result the program prints 3

Question 2

    1. Call by value cannot be used: in call by value the actual parameters are evaluated at the moment the function is called, so a function with parameters passed by value is always strict, i.e. the arguments are evaluated even if they are not needed
    2. Call by reference cannot be used: in call by reference the actual parameters need to be variables, so we could not apply the function to generic expressions
      Note: Some languages allow to pass by reference actual parameters which are general expressions. But in that case they are evaluated and the value is stored in a temporary location at the moment the call is activated. Thus even in this case the desider effect of non-strictness cannot be obtained (because the parameters are evaluated even if their value is not needed).
    3. Call by value-result cannot be used for the same reason: the actual parameters need to be variables.
    4. Call by name can be used: in call by name the actual parameters can be generic expressions and they are evaluated only when needed, so we achieve the desired non-strict effect.
  1. The function can be defined as follows (using a C++like syntax):
       bool non-strict-and(bool name b1, bool name b2){
            if (b1) 
               return b2;
               return false;

Question 3

   void p(int &x){ 
      int y = x;  // y must be a name not used in c
      c[y/x];     // c[y/x] represents c where every occurrence of x is replaced by y
      x = y;

Question 4

Yes, the two commands are equivalent, in the sense that the final value of y will be the same. Note however that the final effect is achieved in different ways: in the first case we add 1 to y by using an alias (x) to the same location. In the second case we add 1 to y by using a pointer (*x) to the location of y.

Question 5

  1. Using only declaration of aliases it is not possible to implement call by reference: even if we define an alias (reference) to the formal parameter, the alias will still be referring to the local variable, and have no effect on the actual parameter.
  2. Using pointers is possible to implement call by reference, although we have to be careful to use the parameters always in a dereferenced way:
       void p(int *x){
          c[*x/x]  // c[*x/x] represents c where every occurrence of x is replaced by *x
    Furthermore, we must replace any call of the form p(y) by p(&y).