Planche 1
Concurrency 2
Functions vs Processes
Þ Interaction
Jean-Jacques Lévy

Planche 2

Concurrency Þ Non-deterministism

Suppose x is a global variable. At beginning, x=0

P = [x := x+1; x := x+1 |
| x:= 2*x]

after P, then x may have several values (x Î { 2, 3, 4 })

Hence P is not a function from memory states to memory states.

In concurrent programming, execution is not deterministic since it is upto an external agent (the scheduler).

Let S = Variables |
® Values be the set of memory states.
Let [[ P ]] be the meaning of P.

A concurrent program is not a (partial) function from memory states to memory states. [[ P ]] ÏS |
® S.

A concurrent program is a relation on memory states. [[ P ]] Î S |
® 2S.

Planche 3

Concurrency Þ Interaction

P = [x := 1 ]
Q = [x := 0; x := x+1 ]
P and Q are same functions on memory states: s |
® s[1/x]

after P |
| P, then x Î { 1 }
after P |
| Q, then x Î {1,2}

A semantic (meaning) is compositional iff [[ P ]] = [[ Q ]] implies [[  C[P]  ]] = [[  C[Q]  ]] for any context C[ ].

In previous example, in any compositional semantics, [[ P ]] ¹ [[ Q ]].

P and Q are not equivalent processes.

Planche 4

Concurrency Û Termination

Concurrent processes are often non terminating.

An operating system never terminates; same for the software of a vending machine, or a traffic-light controler, or a human, etc.

A process P is a set of pairs (f
i, Pi), atomic action and a derivative process. It starts by performing fi and then becomes process Pi.

Atomic steps usually terminate.

Roughly speaking, let P be the set of processes. Then P = 2
(S |® S) × P

Is this equation meaningful? Answer: Scott's domains, denotational semantics. Remarkable and difficult theory of Plotkin (Scott's powerdomains 1976).

We try the simpler theory of labeled transition systems.

Planche 5

Labeled Transition Systems

A LTS is triple (P, Act, T) where Let write P ¾®µ Q for (P, µ, Q) Î T.
Read P interacts with environment with action µ, then becomes Q.

Q is a derivative of P if P=P
0 ¾®µ1 P1 ¾®µ2 P2 ··· ¾®µn Pn=Q for n ³ 0.

Planche 6

Example (1/3)

A vending machine for coffee/tea. At beginning, P0

Planche 7

Example (2/3)

A different vending machine for coffee/tea. At beginning, P0'

Is this LTS equivalent to previous one?

Planche 8

Example (3/3)

Two new vending machines P''0 and P'''0

Why these LTS are not equivalent to previous ones?

Planche 9

Concurrency Û Automata (1/2)

Let abstract Act (actions) as an alphabet {a, b, c, ...}.
(Act may be infinite)

Then LTS look like automata (with possibly infinite number of states).

Consider the language of traces.

Let P=P
0 ¾®µ1 P1 ¾®µ2 P2 ··· ¾®µn Pn (n ³ 0), then

0 ¾®µ1 P1 ¾®µ2 P2 ··· ¾®µn Pn) = µ1µ2···µn

We say that µ1µ2···µn is a trace of P

Let Traces(P) = { w |
w  is a trace of  P }

Planche 10

Concurrency Û Automata (2/2)

In previous examples, write k for coffee, t for tea, c for .20, d for drink.

0) = prefixes((c(k+t)d)*),
0) = prefixes(c((k+t)dc)*),
0) = prefixes((ckd + ctd)*,
0) = prefixes((c+c(k+t)dc)*),
Exercice 1 Show Traces(P
0) = Traces(P'0) = Traces(P''0) = Traces(P'''0)

However, P0 and P0' seem equivalent
but both P
0'' and P0''' look distinct from P0.


After c, the set of choices are distinct in P
0 and P''0.
Coffee button is always enabled in P
0, but not in P''0.
Same for tea button.
In P'''
0, both tea and coffee may be disabled after c.
Planche 11

Simulation -- Bisimulation

Definition 1 Q simulates P (we write P Q) if whenever P ¾®µ P', there is Q' such that Q ¾®µ Q' and P' Q'.

Definition 2 P strongly bisimilar to Q (we write P ~ Q) if whenever

Exercice 2 Give intuition for P
0 P0''' P0

Exercice 3 Give intuition for P
0 ~ P0', P0 ¬ ~P0'', P0 ¬ ~P0'''

Planche 12

Definition of bisimulation (1/3)

Definition 3 A bisimulation is a binary relation R on processes such that P R Q implies whenever An alternative definition for strong bisimulation is:

Definition 4 Let ~  =  È {R  |
  R  is a bisimulation}

Proposition 5 ~ is an equivalence relation.
(reflexive, symmetric, transitive)

Exercice 4 Show above proposition.

Exercice 5 What is the least bisimulation?

Planche 13

Definition of bisimulation (2/3)

First definition of bisimulation is circular. To make it clear, better is to return to standard theory on fixpoints in complete lattices.

A complete lattice D is any set with
Examples: 2P with Í, 2P×P with Í, etc.

f function D |
® D is monotonic iff x y implies f(x) f(y).

Theorem 6[Tarski] In a complete lattice D, any monotonic function f has a least fixpoint lfp(f) and greatest fixpoint gfp(f).

Moreover lfp(f) = Ç{x |
f(x) x} and gfp(f) = È{x | x f(x)}

Exercice 6 Prove it.

Planche 14

Definition of bisimulation (3/3)

Proposition 7 ~ is the largest relation ~' such that P ~' Q implies whenever Proof: Consider the complete lattice of binary relations on P with Í. Take P  f(RQ defined as whenever Then f is monotonic, since R Í S implies f(R) Í f(S).

Moreover R is a bisimulation iff R Í f(R).

Hence ~ = È{R  |
  R  Í  f(R)}  =  gfp(f).

Therefore ~  =  f(~) and ~ is largest ~' such that ~'  =  f(~').

First definition of ~ was correct (just add ``largest'').

Planche 15


In order to show P ~ Q, it is sufficient to show that P R Q for some bisimulation R.

I.e. (P R Q for some relation R such that R  Í f(R))  Þ P~ Q.

Exercice 7 Show P
0 ~ P0', P0 ¬ ~P0'', P0 ¬ ~P0''' in vending machines.

Exercice 8 Give an alternative definition for .

Exercice 9 Show P
0 P0''' P0.

Planche 16

Co-continuity (1/2)

Let D be a complete lattice. Then

f function D |
® D is co-continuous iff f(Ç S) = Ç f(S) for any descending chain S = {d1, d2, ... dn ... } where d1 d2 ··· dn ···

Theorem 8[Kleene] gfp(f) = Ç { f
n() | n ³ 0 } where is maximum element of D.

Consider lattice of binary relations 2P×P with Í.

Let the graph of derivatives of P be finitely branching, i.e. {Q |
P ¾®µ Q} is finite for any P.

Take P  f(RQ defined as whenever
Then f is co-continuous.

If the graph of derivatives is finitely branching, then ~  =  Ç  { f
n(D) | n ³ 0 }

Planche 17

Co-continuity (2/2)

Exercice 10 Suppose P has a finite graph of derivatives. Give an algorithm for computing its minimal graph of derivatives, i.e. a graph where distinct states are not bisimilar.
O(nlogn) algorithm by Paige and Tarjan,
(analogous of Hopcroft/Ullman algorithm for computing minimal finite automata).

Exercice 11 Suppose P and Q have finite graphs of derivatives. Give an algorithm for testing P ~ Q.

Planche 18


Definition 9 R is a bisimulation up-to ~ if P R Q implies whenever Exercice 12 Let R is a bisimulation up-to ~. Show R  Í  ~.
(by firstly showing that ~R~ is a bisimulation).

Let µ
+ Î Act+ (not empty words of actions)

Write P ¾®
µ+ Q if P=P0 ¾®µ1 P1 ¾®µ2 P2 ··· ¾®µn Pn=Q and µ = µ1µ2···µn (n > 0).

Exercice 13 Show that following definition of strong bisimulation is equivalent to previous one.

Definition 10 R is a (strong) bisimulation if P R Q implies whenever

Planche 19


David Park invented bisimulation as maximal fixpoints. (1975)

Robin Milner wrote a full book on them for CCS. (1979)

Samson Abramsky added them in the lazy lambda calculus. (1984) See also phD of his student Luke Ong.

Davide Sangiorgi did the theory of bisimulation in the pi-calculus. (1990)

Marcelo Fiore et al put them in data types. (1992)

Many people speak now of bisimulations, as a generic names for equivalences on infinite computations.

For instance, Dave Sands and others use them for equivalence of Bohm trees in the lambda-calculus (which I never understood!!).

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