Catuscia and Dale's Wedding

Catuscia Palamidessi and Dale Miller were married on 21 March 1996 in the municipality of Pisa.

Some pictures


The witnesses: Giorgio Levi and Maurizio Gabbrielli

The Pisa CS group

Catuscia's sisters

Husband and "daugther"

What the critics had to say:

"May your goals match forever (how else to wish happiness to two logic programmers!)."
Prakash Panangaden.
"I suppose this reduces considerably the blackmail value of the pictures I took some time ago ..."
Bart Demoen.
"Che l'equinozio vi sia propizio."
Franco Morando.
"Bacioni, auguroni, fate tanti piccoli informatici (oh, no!)."
Beppe Longo.
"As someone at our department put it 'Great news they are getting unified'."
Staffan Bonnier.
"The name Dale Miller is new to me. Was it love at first sight?"
Wan Fokkink.
"Amor vincit omnia."
Peter Buneman.
"And they said it won't last." (On the occasion of our first month aniversary.)