
Section Sound_Rules.

  Load PTS_spec.

Section Beta_Reduction_Sound.

  Hypothesis inv_prod: (product_inversion le_type).

  Local le_type_prod_l := (inv_prod_l le_type inv_prod).
  Local le_type_prod_r := (inv_prod_r le_type inv_prod).

  Theorem beta_sound: (rule_sound the_PTS beta).
(Induction 1; Intros).
Inversion_typ H0.
Inversion_typ H2.
(Apply typ_conv_wf with (subst N Ur); Auto with arith pts).
(Apply substitution with V; Auto with arith pts).
(Cut (wf_type the_PTS e0 (Prod V Ur)); Intros).
Inversion_clear H7.
Inversion_typ H8.
(Apply type_conv with U s2; Auto with arith pts).
(Apply subtype_in_env with (cons (Ax T) e0); Auto with arith pts).
Apply R_env_hd.
Apply rd_ax.
(Apply le_type_prod_l with U Ur; Auto with arith pts).

(Apply wf_var with s1; Auto with arith pts).

(Apply le_type_prod_r with T; Auto with arith pts).

(Apply type_correctness with (Abs T M); Auto with arith pts).

(Apply type_correctness with (App (Abs T M) N); Auto with arith pts).

End Beta_Reduction_Sound.

Section Delta_Reduction_Sound.

delta_sound: (rule_sound the_PTS delta).
(Destruct 1; Intros).
Inversion_typ H1.
(Apply typ_conv_wf with (lift (S n) (typ_of_decl x0)); Simpl; Auto with arith pts).
(Replace x0 with (Def d T); Simpl).
(Apply definition_lift; Auto with arith pts).
(Apply typ_wf with (Ref n) T0; Auto with arith pts).

(Apply fun_item with e0 n; Auto with arith pts).

(Apply type_correctness with (Ref n); Auto with arith pts).

End Delta_Reduction_Sound.

End Sound_Rules.

23/12/98, 14:30