Categories and λ-calculus

I am tutoring exercise sessions for the course of categories and λ-calculus, which is taught by Paul-André Melliès and is part of the the MPRI master. More meterial is available on the webpage of the course (and see here for the rooms).


  1. Cartesian categories (solution)
  2. Coproducts, pullbacks, monoids (solution)
  3. Adjunctions (solution)
  4. Computing in the λ-calculus
  5. Strong normalization of the λ-calculus (solution)
  6. Realizability (solution)
  7. Algebras (solution)
  8. Monads (solution)
  9. Graphs and the Yoneda lemma (solution)


  1. Isomorphismes et spans
  2. Products, coproducts, pullbacks, monomorphisms
  3. Adjunctions
  4. An alternative formulation of adjunctions
  5. Quantifiers as adjoints
  6. Computing in the λ-calculus
  7. Strong normalization of the λ-calculus
  8. Normalization by evaluation
  9. Realizability
  10. Algebras
  11. Distributive laws between monads
  12. Graphs and the Yoneda lemma


  1. Cartesian categories (solution)
  2. Coproducts, pullbacks, monoids (solution)
  3. Adjunctions (solution)
  4. An equivalent formulation of adjunctions
  5. Equalizers, epi-mono factorization, first-order logic
  6. Computing in the λ-calculus (solution)
  7. Normalizing in the λ-calculus (solution)
  8. Algebras (solution)
  9. Monads (solution)
  10. Algebras for a monad (solution)
  11. Graphs and the Yoneda lemma


  1. Pullbacks, monos, epis and subobjects
  2. Equalizers, epi-mono factorization, first-order logic
  3. An equivalent formulation of adjunctions
  4. λ-calculus: confluence, termination
  5. Distributivity laws between functors and monads, Grothendieck construction and set-theoretic colimits
  6. Algebras


  1. Cartesian categories
  2. Coproducts, pullbacks, monoids
  3. Adjunctions
  4. Monads
  5. λ-calculus: confluence, termination
  6. Algebras
  7. Algebras for a monad
  8. Distributive laws between monads


  1. Cartesian categories
  2. Adjunctions
  3. Graphs and the Yoneda lemma
  4. Monads and algebras
  5. Presheaves as cocompletion


  1. Cartesian categories
  2. Graphs and the Yoneda lemma
  3. Pullbacks, monos, epis and subobjects
  4. Equalizers, epi-mono factorization, first-order logic
  5. Algebras
  6. A reformulation of adjunctions
  7. Distributivity laws between monads – Grothendieck construction and set-theoretic colimits


  1. Cartesian categories
  2. Graphs, adjunctions, monads
  3. Algebras
  4. λ-calculus and cartesian closed categories
  5. Categories of presheaves and colimits


  1. Cartesian categories
  2. Graphs, adjunctions, monads
  3. λ-calculus
  4. Algebras
  5. Realizability
  6. Presheaf categories, (co)limits
  7. Presentations of monoidal categories


  1. λ-calculus
  2. Graphs, adjunctions, monads
  3. Adjunctions, monads
  4. Cartesian and monoidal categories
  5. Algebras
  6. Closed categories
  7. Limits, presheaf categories


  1. λ-calculus
  2. Graphs, adjunctions, monads
  3. Adjunctions, monads
  4. Rewriting
  5. Realizability
  6. Cartesian categories
  7. Monoidal theories
  8. Limits, presheaf categories


  1. Graphes, catégories cartésiennes
  2. Monades
  3. Réalisabilité
  4. Adjunctions and monads
  5. λ-calculus
  6. Cartesian closed categories
  7. Catégories compactes closes


  1. Catégories cartésiennes
  2. Adjonctions
  3. Adjunctions and monads
  4. λ-calculus
  5. Cartesian closed categories
  6. Semantics of fixpoint


  1. Monoïdes
  2. Adjonctions, monade de non-déterminisme
  3. Monades
  4. Catégories cartésiennes fermées
  5. Catégories monoïdales
  6. Catégories compactes closes
  7. Catégories monoïdales tracées
  8. Catégories monoïdales tracées
  9. Modèles fonctoriels
  10. Limites, présentations de catégories
  11. Présentations de catégories monoïdales
  12. Lois distributives, catégories de jeux