List of Publications


  • Distribution of the Size of Simplified or Reduced Trees. Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science : Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities, Trends in Mathematics, Birhäuser, 2002. 14 pages. ps.gz
    Poster version [a0b|a4]: I presented a poster related to this subject (with a slightly different content) at the 8th AofA Seminar at Strobl.
  • Area and Inertial Moment of Dyck Paths. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing. Volume 13, Number 4-5, Juli 2004. pp.697-716.
  • Area of Brownian Motion with Generatingfunctionology. DMTCS. 2003.


  • Distributions of Valuations on Arithmetical Expression Trees with (+,-) or (min,+) Operators. ps.gz


  • Here is a provisory version of my manuscript. (French only)
  • Transparents de ma soutenance

    INRIA's Algo seminars' summaries

  • Coalescence: Emergence of the Map--Airy Law, by Cyril Banderier. [ps | pdf]
  • Patricia Tries in the Context of Dynamical Systems, by Jérémie Bourdon. [ps | pdf].
  • Enumeration of Sand Piles, by Sylvie Corteel. [ps | pdf].
  • Reflected Brownian Bridge Area Conditioned on its Local Time at the Origin, by Guy Louchard. Summary [ps | pdf].
  • Enumeration of geometric configurations on a convex polygon, by Marc Noy. [ps | pdf] Abstract

    Still under correction

  • Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Quicksort, but Were Afraid to Ask, by Marianne Durand. Summary [ps.gz]
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    Created on July, 2nd 2002.
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