Finite Semantic Trees Suffice for Ordered Resolution and Paramodulation

Finite Semantic Trees Suffice for Ordered Resolution and Paramodulation

Showing completeness of resolution and paramodulation strategies is notoriously difficult. There are many techniques, among which Bachmair and Ganzinger's model generation has been the most successfull during the last decade. Our goal in this paper is to advocate for Kowalski's finite semantic trees because they carry a visual representation of Herbrand (equality) interpretations that helps the intuition. We show that very different strategies can be shown complete by using this method: ordered resolution, ordered resolution with selection, linear resolution, and ordered resolution and paramodulation. These strategies had not been proved complete before by means of finite semantic trees, including the first and the last ones proved complete by Rusinowitch and Hsiang with transfinite semantic trees. Using finite semantic trees happened to be an interesting technical challenge in all cases but the first. A first important lesson we learned is that the concepts elaborated by Ganzinger and his collaborators are intrinsic to the entire field of automated deduction, rather than specific to his model generation proof method as one might have thought. A second is that semantic trees are flexible and powerful enough to challenge Bachmair and Ganzinger method. However, are both methods really different ?

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