
@COMMENT{{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.74}}
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@PREAMBLE{{\def \fmlastmodified{ Tue Apr 11 17:03:21 MEST 2006 }}}
@PREAMBLE{{\def\Inpreparation{\biling{In preparation}{en pr{\'e}paration}}}}
@PREAMBLE{{\def\Toappear{\biling{To appear}{\`A para\^\i tre}}}}
@PREAMBLE{{\def\Inpress{\biling{In press}{Sous presse}}}}
@PREAMBLE{{\def\Seealso{\biling{See also}{Voir {\'e}galement}}}}

  AUTHOR = {W. Keller and F. Morain},
  TITLE = {The complete factorization of some large {M}ersenne
  JOURNAL = {Abstracts of the AMS},
  YEAR = 1992,
  VOLUME = 13,
  NUMBER = 5,
  PAGES = 506,
  NOTE = {92T-11-163}

  AUTHOR = {F. Morain},
  TITLE = {Prime values of partition numbers and the primality
                  of $p(1840926)$},
  INSTITUTION = {Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Ecole Polytechnique (LIX)},
  YEAR = 1992,
  TYPE = {Rapport de Recherche},
  NUMBER = {LIX/92/RR/11},
  URL = {}

  AUTHOR = {F. Morain},
  TITLE = {Enjeux et avanc{\'e}es de la th{\'e}orie
		  algorithmique des nombres},
  INSTITUTION = {Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Ecole Polytechnique (LIX)},
  YEAR = 1992,
  TYPE = {Rapport de Recherche},
  NUMBER = {LIX/RR/92/03}

  AUTHOR = {F. Morain},
  TITLE = {Easy numbers for the {E}lliptic {C}urve {P}rimality
		  {P}roving algorithm},
  YEAR = 1992,
  EDITOR = {P. S. Wang},
  PAGES = {263--268},
  PUBLISHER = {ACM Press},
  ADDRESS = {New York},
  NOTE = {Proceedings, July 27--29, Berkeley},
  URL = {}

  AUTHOR = {F. Morain},
  TITLE = {Elliptic curves, primality proving and some
		  {T}itanic primes},
  BOOKTITLE = {Journ{\'e}es Arithm{\'e}tiques 1989},
  YEAR = 1992,
  PAGES = {245--251},
  VOLUME = {198--199-200},
  SERIES = {Ast{\'e}risque}

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