
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What features does lambda Prolog have?
    1. polymorphic typing
    2. sound unification
    3. implicational and universal quantified queries
    4. modular programming
    5. abstract data types
    6. higher-order programming
    7. simply-typed lambda-terms
    8. unification of lambda-terms

  2. Is there any course material available for lambda Prolog?
    1. Leavens's course (Summer 95)
    2. Nadathur's course (Summer 95)
    3. Miller's course (Spring 95)

  3. Is lambda Prolog a mixture of functional and logic programming?

  4. What implementations of lambda Prolog are available?
    1. Teyjus
    2. Terzo
    3. Prolog/Mali
    4. LP-SML
    5. eLP
    6. LP2.7

  5. What languages are related to lambda Prolog?
