========================[ H U M O U R N E T ]======================= SUBJ: You Know You're From Philadelphia When You ... 1. Realize your favorite dessert is water ice. 2. Find yourself using "Yo" and "Youse guys" when talking long distance to family members. 3. You know how to spell Schuylkill. [Editor's Note: Heck, if you even know how to *pronounce* "Schuylkill," you've GOT to be from Philly. ] 4. Think $2,500 for insurance on a '79 Toyota is a bargain. 5. Find yourself at a nice restaurant thinking, "This would only be three bucks at a truck." 6. Can sleep soundly through gun shots in the neighborhood. 7. Visit New York and notice how clean it is. 8. Believe that the car on your side, flashing its turn signal, wants you to close the gap with the car in front. 9. Can't eat fries without Cheeze Whiz. 10. Find street people greet you by first name.