LIX - Ecole PolytechniqueBibek Kabi

Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX)
École Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau Cedex - France
Email : Bibek Kabi[\{a_t}\]

I'm a PhD student under supervisors, Eric Goubault and Sylvie Putot. During my PhD, I proposed approaches for combining zonotopic abstraction and constraint programming for verifying cyber-physical systems.
I implemented my work in the platform Apron. For more details:
  • Presentation @ SWIM 2016: SWIM2016
  • Poster @ Summer School Marktoberdorf 2017: Marktoberdorf2017

  • My research area also focuses on the development of algorithms in fixed-point arithmetic and optimization of fixed-point formats in numerical programs.
    I proposed an analytical method to tackle the fixed-point bounding problem for numerical linear algebra algorithms like Singular Value Decomposition, Eigenvalue Decomposition, QR; LU; Cholesky Factorization.
    For more details:
  • Paper in Dasip 2017: DASIP2017
  • Paper in Journal of Signal Processing Systems: JSPS2018
  • Presentation @ HyspIRI NASA Symposium 2015: HyspIRINASA2015
  • MS thesis: Thesis
  • I and a colleague, Tapan Pradhan developed a fixed-point arithmetic library (DynamicFixed) in C++ for determining the integer wordlength during run-time.

    I also have experience in data mining techniques (clustering, classifiers).

    Teaching experience:
    CSE102-Computer programming (Ecole Polytechnique,Python,2017-2018,40h)
    CSE101-Computer programming (Ecole Polytechnique,Python,2017-2018,20h)
    INF321-Les principes des langages de programmation (Ecole Polytechnique,Java,2015-2016,40h,2016-2017,40h)
    INF431-Concurrence (Ecole Polytechnique,Java,2016-2017,40h)
    EE39004-Fixed-point arithmetic (IIT Kharagpur,SystemC, 2014-2015, 20h)

    Link to Publications and other Webpages:
    Google Scholar Researchgate Linkedin GitHub

    Tous les documents fournis le sont sous la responsabilité de leurs auteurs, et ne représentent pas nécessairement les positions officielles de l'École polytechnique. Les informations données le sont de bonne foi, mais leur véracité ne saurait être garantie.